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Ghim Moh Beef Hor Fun and Peanut Pancakes

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 1

Hin Fried Hor Fun is a popular stall in Ghim Moh Market. It is easy to spot the stall by looking out for the bright red signboard as well as the ten-man queue that usually forms at this hor fun stall at lunch time. We usually refer to this stall as the Ghim Moh beef hor fun stall although they actually sell different types of hor fun. Today we will show you their hor fun and some peanut and red bean pancakes from a neighbouring Wang 王 pancake stall.

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 2

The Ghim Moh hor fun stall is manned by two guys.  The chef furiously cooks while the other attends to the customers.  Their coordination is very good and the queue at this stall moves fast. Their secret to success is the hor fun, which are intensely fried to create the smoky ‘wok hei’ taste.  It is common to see flames leaping for dear life out of the wok. The same hor fun is used for either beef or seafood hor fun.  The differences in the variants lie in the toppings and the sauces that are poured on top of the fried hor fun.

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 4

The menu is a simple one. Select the base and the topping.  The base is either hor fun or rice (mui fan) and the topping can be beef, prawns, sliced fish or a combination of any two. The price is a constant $5.  We selected a combination of beef and sliced fish.  Here is our hor fun in the takeaway container.

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 5

Here is our Ghim Moh beef and sliced fish hor fun, dressed up for lunch.  A generous amount of beef and fish was provided. The fish slices were thick and fresh. We believe the type of fish used is the toman or snakehead fish. The beef had a bit of the tenderised texture but was still acceptable.  The best part was the well-fried hor fun. A fair amount of vegetables completed the picture.  A good value surf and turf meal at $5.

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 8

Ghim Moh Market Hin Fried Hor Fun - 7

Just next door to the Ghim Moh beef hor fun store is a more low profile stall that sells the local peanut pancakes, better known by the dialect names Ban Chang Kueh or Mi Cheng Kueh. We are not sure what the name of the stall is. Presumably it is 王 (Wang) Pancake.

Ghim Moh Pancakes Peanut and Red Bean - 4

Compared to the Hin Fried Hor Fun stall, this is a quieter stall but they share two things in common- nice stallholders and simple pricing.  It was a pleasure to buy food from both stalls and they all have one price for their products.  Everything here is priced at 60 cents each.  Choose from the various flavours – peanut, red bean, green bean and coconut.

Ghim Moh Pancakes Peanut and Red Bean - 5

The usual market peanut pancakes are usually sold in a sandwich format (see for example the nearby Granny’s Pancake stall). At 王 (Wang) Pancake, they serve it Swiss-roll style. The individual pieces have all been sliced up and packed. which makes for fast and easy purchasing.   We bought the red bean and peanut flavours.

Ghim Moh Pancakes Peanut and Red Bean - 1

Ghim Moh Pancakes Peanut and Red Bean - 2


They were both very good and we enjoyed them with coffee (made with beans from Ghim Moh Fresh Coffee Stall).  At 60 cents each, we prefer these humble market pancakes anytime over the fancy cakes from hip cafes that cost 10 times more.

Wang Pancakes Ghim Moh Market - 1



Hin Fried Hor Fun 

王 (Wang) Pancake

Blk 20 Ghim Moh Road Market & Cooked Food Centre
Ghim Moh Road
Singapore 270020

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