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Words of Wisdom Inspired by Food

Now that the Chinese New Year festivities have ended, some of us may experience a tinge of guilt from the amount of eating that has taken place. After the 2018 Christmas season, there was the 2019 New Year celebrations, following by CNY 2019 and Valentine’s Day. There has been too many occasions (and excuses) to eat. In the course of writing our stories we have come across quite a few quotes that remind us of the happy side of eating. We have compiled some of them for your reading pleasure. We hope these food quotes will provide words of encouragement or entertainment as we continue the struggle of eating without guilt (or gaining weight).

Singapore Food Blog- The Ordinary Patrons

For those of us who are always hungry

A cheerful heart is good medicine; but not on an empty stomach.

Why we cannot stick to our diet

I rather be a bit heavier but nicer.

I never worry about diets . The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.
Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane

Words of appreciation for our chefs

"Mother Nature is the true artist and our job as cooks is to allow her to shine."

Cannot resist dessert? You are not alone

Music, I’d heard him say, was like dessert. He could live without it, but life just wasn’t as good
enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate

To keep our mind off food, here are some food for thought

Quote - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What satisfies hunger is good food.

Finally, a last quote that does not talk about food, but makes a lot of sense. Happy Year of the Pig!

Spend your time on the things money can’t buy.

The Ordinary Patrons | Real Dining Experience of Ordinary People
an independent Singapore food blog

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