The NTUC Fairprice frozen food section is a place we are not familiar with. But since the Singapore circuit breaker we try to limit our trips to the supermarket. We started to explore the frozen section at Fairprice. The CP Mexican Wings and Pacific West Cod Fingers were two of the items that we tried recently.

NTUC Fairprice Frozen Food – CP Mexican Wings
We opted to try these items because they seem like simple fool-proof food items. Our culinary skills are limited and we prefer the types of frozen food that have simple instructions and do not require a lot of effort. The frozen CP chicken wings seem to fit the bill. They are known as Mexican wings presumably because they have Mexican flavours.

The CP Mexican wings can be cooked by deep-frying, air-fry or baking in the oven. We do not have an airfryer and decided on oven baking as it is the least messy.
This is what the CP chicken wings look like straight out of the pack and still frozen. The instructions are to bake at 180C for 9 to 10 minutes. We followed the instructions faithfully. We examined them at the 9 minute mark and found them to be hot but not crisp. The temperature was upped to 220C and heating continued for another 3 minutes.

This is what our NTUC Fairprice frozen CP Mexican Wings looks like after the 9 + 3 minutes of cooking. They look like they are more tanned than before. We were very happy with the result. The skin was crisp and the meat was still moist. I am not sure what Mexican wings should taste like but it was a nice seasoning and would be appealing to most people. They taste like freshly cooked fried chicken wings. I would not have thought that these were frozen wings that were simply heated up at home. It is a product we will buy again.

Pacific West Cod Fingers
We bought these cod fingers because fish fingers are something we are familiar with but had not eaten in a while. There was also a discount for buying two boxes. So that was how we ended up with two of them in the freezer. They are currently listed on the NTUC Fairprice online at $8.60 per pack.

The Pacific West Cod Fingers have a long sehlf life. With an expiry date of March 2022, they can last almost 2 years! It would be useful to have some to these at the bottom of the freezer.

Like the CP wings, there are various methods of cooking. We picked the oven method.

This is what the frozen Pacific West Cod Fingers look like straight out of the pack. The recommended cooking time is 12 to 14 minutes at 220C. They were taken out of the paper carton and heated in the oven at 220C. We checked on them at the 13 minute mark. They were still soft and so we left them in the oven for another 3 minutes.

This is what the Pacific West Cod Fingers look like after the 13 + 3 minutes of cooking. The skin had gained a healthy golden tan and was now mildly crisp. The fish inside was soft and had not much texture or taste. Having some ketchup around would be useful. We thought that cod fingers were quite ordinary, after being wowed by the chicken wings. We would probably want to check out other types of frozen fish fingers before deciding whether we would buy them again.

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