Ghim Moh Market Ghim renovation in 2024 was completed and the market and hawker centre reopened recently after a long period of closure for renovation from March to May 2024. Like us, I am sure the residents of Ghim Moh were happy to see the bustling marketplace come back to life after being shut down for more than two months.

Ghim Moh Market Renovation 2024 Completed
From afar, the Ghim Moh Market renovation in 2024 did not seem to change much. But there are two important areas of change. The first is the improved toilet facilities. They are much better now and the entry fee of 20 cents that used to be charged has been discontinued.

For us the most visible change after the Ghim Moh renovation is up above. The ceiling as well as fixtures such as lights, fans, pipes and structures had been caked with dust and oil. Now the entire over-head landscape looks new and clean. Bright lights and clean fans give the whole market and food centre positive vibes.
Ghim Moh Porridge and Rice – No Price Increase Since 2017!
For our fist visit to the re-opened Ghim Moh market, we headed to one of our favourite stalls : Ghim Moh Porridge and Rice. This is a popular stall and a queue is to be expected. The only issue is how long is the Q. We went at an off-peak time of around 10.30 am and so it was not too bad.

The signboard looks cleaner, but everything at this stall seemed to be the same. Most important of all, the prices had remained the same. I looked back at a previous post in 2017 on this stall and amazingly, the listed prices of food remained the same since 2017 to now in 2024! Compare the picture of the menu in 2024 (picture above) and that in 2017 (picture below).

The food selection has also remained amazingly constant. Vegetables, soya sauce pork (lor bak), omelette (cai poh neng) and steamed fish are the attractions in 2017 and they look about the same as they are now.

What We Ate at Ghim Moh Market After Renovations.
Our food selection was just as predictable as the stall menu. Cabbage, long beans, omelette and steamed fish. Except that this time we felt rich and pointed at the largest fish available – which was a small type of grouper. The total cost of our Teochew lunch for 2 was about $23.

We did not ask for a breakdown of costs. But I suspect the bulk of the cost was due to the fish. But it was fresh and perfectly steamed. We can afford to splurge once in a while I suppose.

This is what our lunch spread looked like. The taste that brings the crowds back daily has stayed the same – yummy and affordable.

Ghim Moh Porridge and Rice
Blk 20 Ghim Moh Road Market & Cooked Food Centre
Ghim Moh Road
Singapore 270020
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