Yong’s Teochew Kueh East Coast is one of the two outlets of this traditional Teochew kueh business in Singapore. Their other outlet is in Upper Serangoon Road. We discovered recently that air frying is an easy and effective way of heating up koo chye and soon kueh.

Yong’s Teochew Kueh East Coast
Entering Yong’s Teochew Kueh at East Coast Road was like stepping back in time to the late 1970s when Saturday Nite Fever was on the charts. Mosaic flooring, glossy white wall tiles, bare fluorescent tubes and basic furniture provide a very nostalgic picture of shops from yesteryear. The tidiness of the shop was impressive. High stacks of paper takeaway boxes were neatly arranged. Nothing was on the counter that need not be there.

This is a picture of Yong’s Teochew Kueh price list as at June 2024. Prices start from $1.70 for soon kueh, cabbage (kor lare) kueh and glutinous rice (poong) kueh. Chive (koo chye) kueh and yam (oh) kueh are more expensive, costing $1.80 and $1.90 respectively. Other types of traditional Teochew cakes are available.

What We Bought
We bought mix of koo chye kueh and and soon kueh. Each of them was larger than what we were expecting. Certainly larger than those we bought elsewhere, such as at Ah Yee’s Soon Kueh and Poh Cheu Ang Ku Kueh and Soon Kueh,

Prone to sticking to each other, the kuehs were kept greasy and separated by plastic sheets to avoid that from happening.

Air Frying Soon Kueh and Koo Chye Kueh
Traditional Teochew kuehs such as those we bought from Yong’s Teochew Kueh East Coast can be eaten in their natural (steamed) state or pan-fried. Usually, we prefer the latter as pan-frying creates a layer of crispiness to the skin and creates a smoky aroma. Both of which combines well with the juicy vegetable stuffings to create a small feast in a bite. But frying can be bothersome as it spreads oily fumes. Which was why we decided to try out our new toy – an air fryer.

Ours had spent some time in the fridge and needed to be heated up. These were the settings we used – 3 minutes in a microwave to warm it up slightly, followed by 7 minutes in the air fryer at 175°C. We used a waxed paper base to reduce the mess. The result was better than expected.

An even crispy skin on the surface, no mess and ready to eat once the cooking ended. This was an easy way of heating up our traditional Teochew kuehs from Yong’s.

Yong’s Teochew Kueh
150 East Coast Road
Singapore 428837
Tel: +65 6345 6798
Opening Hours
Tue to Sun 8 am to 3 pm
Closed on Mondays
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