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Mee Siam lunch at Fun Toast, Star Vista

Fun Toast3Fun Toast is a small coffee shop located on level 2 of Star Vista. It is a no-frills place but it is usually crowded at mealtimes. What drives ordinary patrons here are the reasonable prices and good local coffee.

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Fun toast serves the usual coffee shop fare – toasts, eggs and snacks. There are some set meal combinations by which you can grab a simple meal with a coffee for as low as $4.80.  Recently, I tried out their $4.80 mee siam lunch. It is self-service system. Place your order and pay at the counter. Your drink is prepared immediately but the food will be collected once you are notified that it is ready.

The mee siam came in quite a large portion. The gravy looks darker than usual. Taste-wise it was so so. A bit too sharp tasting for my liking. The coffee was a different story. It was strong local coffee which I like. All in all, this is a place to grab a quick bite at a reasonable price. I realise that at these prices, one’s expectations should be adjusted accordingly. The mee siam was below expectations (even at this price). The coffee was great. I would still drop by next time, but will try another combo for lunch. Hopefully, once I find the right combination, this can be a spot for good and cheap eating in Buona Vista.

Food: 2
Service : 3
Value: 3
Atmosphere: 2
Overall Rating: 2 TOPs      2 Tpos

Fun Toast
#02-03 Star Vista
1 Vista Exchange Green
Singapore 138617

Nearby Stations : Buona Vista

The Ordinary Patrons
a Singapore food blog by ordinary people looking for places to eat

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