We tried a new set of Ghim Moh food stalls recently. Here is our lunch of mixed affordable local food at Ghim Moh Edge. This is a newish HDB estate sitting at the eastern edge of the Dover Forest which was in the news recently. Economy rice, vegetarian bee hoon and Indian food were on our plates that day.

Economy Rice from Rice Garden
Housed within one of the blocks at Ghim Moh Edge is the Foodfare coffee shop (Blk 29A). The stalls featured today are housed in this coffeeshop

Economy rice or chye png stalls are the backbone of many food courts and coffee shops. These stalls sell a large variety of cooked food at reasonable prices. The Rice Garden stall at Ghim Moh Edge is a brightly lit, making the food on display look enticing.

According to a sign at the stall, A plate of rice with two vegetable and one meat costs $3, which is discounted to $2.50 for senior citizens.

We are aware that fish and seafood dishes are usually more expensive and not part of the normal prices, and so we avoided those. But we also found out that the $3 or $2.50 meal is limited to selected dishes only. Sadly, the big juicy chicken drumsticks we were eyeing were not included in the bundle.

Here is a picture of our $2.50 senior citizen economy rice. The sweet and sour pork, vegetables and tofu did not look as delicious as some of the other “big meats” on display, but it was quite a nice meal, especially when we also consider the price.

Ghim Moh Food Stall: Jia Jia Vegetarian

We also tried the food from Jia Jia Vegetarian stall for the first time. The display was similar to those at a chye png stall, but with no meat items. Our selection of long beans, spring roll and ngoh hiang with bee hoon cost around $3.50. We thought the taste of the food here was rather plain and preferred the Rice Garden dish.

SRP Indian Muslim Food Stall at Ghim Moh

For more robust flavours, we also tried the food from SRP Indian Muslim Food stall. According to a sign, it opens 24 hours (nasi briyani,roti prata and dosa) . We find it remarkable that it can prepare such a wide range of Indian food from such a small place. We settled for Indian rojak and mutton soup.

This was our selection of Indian rojak items. We did a bad job at selecting as they ended up roughly the same – balls of deep-fried dough with either more chewy dough inside or potatoes. It was a high carbo dish. Fortunately, anything deep-fried always taste good. Even better with the cut chilli and onions and gravy provided.

The best dish of the day was the mutton soup ($5). The rich thick soup was powerful enough to wake up any sleepy person. It is spicy in a peppery sort of way, reminding us of Mulligatawny soup. Sometimes sup kambing or mutton soup can have a strong gamey taste, but this was not the case. The soup normally gets served with some bread but we did not want any that day as the carbo-overload was already too much. We dipped some of the rojak pieces into the soup instead.

Ghim Moh Food Stalls at Foodfare @ GhimMoh Edge
Blk 29A GhimMoh Link #01-06
Singapore 271029
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