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Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki Lunch With a View

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo is the Japanese restaurant on Level 28 of the Conrad Hotel at Shimbashi. Within this restaurant, kaiseki meals are served and there are counters for sushi and teppanyaki courses. This was the venue we picked for a teppanyaki lunch during our recent trip to Japan.

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo

Which Teppanyaki Restaurant in Tokyo?

With so many good teppanyaki restaurants in Tokyo, Japan, it is not easy to pick one. Regular readers will notice that teppanyaki is not high on our preferences as we have few posts on this type of restaurant. But for our recent visit to Tokyo we had to do at least one. We decided on Kazahana Conrad Tokyo based on a number of factors – good service reviews, the view and convenience were some of the factors. Price and menu were also important. They have short courses for lunch which are not too pricey or take up too much time.

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki Menu

This is a picture of the Kazahana Conrad Tokyo. We decided on the AO Japanese wagyu steak teppanyaki course (Yen 10,000, inclusive of tax and service charge).

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki  Manu

Appetizer and Soup

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki

Lunch started slowly with the appetizer and soup. The appetiser (picture above) was a small salad with Japanese dressing, a bit sour but works as an appetiser. More memorable was the seafood soup which thick and flavourful.


Our teppanyaki chef was a pleasant young man who spoke English well. Communication, which was not an issue at this lunch, is important at a teppanyaki lunch as there are many opportunities for interaction. The cooking process was straightforward. There was no entertaining actions such as the throwing of spatulas or flaming stoves, such as those we saw at Benihana Singapore. The assorted vegetables were all nicely cooked. They tasted good with the different salts and sauces were provided.

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki

Japanese Wagyu Beef Teppanyaki at Kazahana Conrad Tokyo

This is a picture of the raw ingredients before the start of our meal. It is clear that Japanese wagyu beef is the main attraction. We were offered a choice of the type of beef – fillet steak or sirloin steak. We picked one of each. The sirloin is the darker coloured one on the left.

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki

This is how the teppenyaki Japanese wagyu steaks look like after cooking. There was a nice firm crust coating a moist centre that was cooked to medium as we had requested. The sirloin had a more concentrated beef taste while the fillet steak had more marbling and an oilier taste. They were both good in their own way. We can imagine that the fatty fillet steak will appeal strongly to those who prefer their meat rare or medium rare to get a ‘melt in your mouth” feeling as it was very tender.

Kazahana Conrad Tokyo Teppanyaki

Rice, Desserts, Beer and Sake


As usual our choice of drinks were beer and sake. We like the choice of sakes by the carafe at Tokyo restaurants.

Fried rice at teppanyaki restaurants always tend to taste better than usual and this was the case. Perhaps, it is because they are cooked very dry. But always a good way to end the meal before the desserts.

A pretty dessert platter and light green tea ended our Kazahana Conrad Tokyo teppanyaki lunch with a view of Tokyo Bay.

Food: 4
Service: 5
Value: 4
Atmosphere: 5
Overall Rating: 5 TOPs  5 tops


Kazahana Conrad Tokyo
1 Chome-9-1 Higashishinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-7337, Japan

Open daily:
11:30 am – 2:30 pm
5:30 – 10 pm


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